Tendencias de investigación sobrecomunicación interna en revistas internacionales: 2015-2021

Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas; Vol. 12 Núm. 23 (2022): Relaciones Públicas diversas (Enero-Junio) http://dx.doi.org/10.5783/RIRP-23-2022-07-117-142

  1. Martínez-Romero, Yaydik Alexandra; Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5021-1469
  2. Yáber-Oltra, Guillermo; Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Venezuela; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7715-5201

Keywords: Bibliometría, comunicación interna, revisión de literatura, revistas internacionales. 

Abstract: Academia and organizations tend to agree on the importance they give to internal communication as a discipline of knowledge and as a strategic issue in organizational management. However, many organizations omit the systematic application of this type of communication and the academy has not produced, to date, a systematic body of knowledge. In order for these situations to be recognized and worked on, research work is necessary to build an integrating theoretical body. What this work proposes is to review the publications on internal communication (IC) to inquire about the recent advance in this knowledge and its applications. To accomplish this, four of the most important academic journals on communication in organizations were reviewed according to the SCImago Journal & Country Rank. They are: Public Relations Review, Management Communication Quarterly, International Journal of Strategic Communication and Journal of Communication Management. The period of analysis was carried out between 2015 and 2021. Bibliometric indicators used were: the number of articles on internal communication published, broken down by journal, year and number, most used words and phrases. The authors were also studied by analyzing the number of signatures per article, who published more on internal communication, as well as the most cited experts. The results in the 125 issues reveal a discreet presence of IC since of 1278 articles published, 126 dealt with the subject, which represented 9.87% of the total. The journal that published the most on IC was Public Relations Review with 38 articles, followed by Management Communication Quarterly with 35. Journal of Communication Management edited 32 articles, leaving International Journal of Strategic Communication as the journal that dealt with the subject the least with 21. All journals made special editions on various topics, but the Journal of Communication Management was the only one that made an extraordinary edition dedicated to IC under the title Internal Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic published in volume 25, number 3, July 2021. The most productive year for IC was 2021 with 32 articles. Throughout the period, 55 issues were published without articles on IC, 36 with one, 20 with two, nine with three, four with four articles and only one issue with seven, the special edition. Among the most used words are employee (s), social, strategic, engagement, media and crisis. And the most used phrase after “internal communication” is “social media”. The most cited author was also the most productive in the period studied: Lijuan Rita Men. Other authors who published multiple times included Cen April Yue, Ana Tkalac Verčič, Jeong Nam Kim, and Vibeke Thøis Madsen. James Grunig, Ansgar Zerfass, François Cooren, Linda L. Putnam, Mary Welch, and W. Timothy Coombs were also frequently cited. In conclusion, and despite the increased interest caused by the pandemic, internal communication is not a priority issue in the reviewed journals. A greater emphasis on normative and instrumental aspects was also detected, with a clear orientation towards the solution of specific organizational problems, that is, a functionalist perspective, centered on management. This article seeks to support both scholars and professionals of internal communication, leaving within their reach, in addition to this review, the challenge of increasing research to generate knowledge in internal organizational communication.

Resumen: Hipotéticamente las organizaciones y la academia coinciden en la importancia fundamental de la comunicación interna como disciplina de estudio y como asunto estratégico  de  la  gestión organizacional, pero la realidad muestra otra cosa. Son muchas las organizaciones que minimizan o simplemente se olvidan de gestionar la comunicación internay en la academia los vacíos de conocimiento son ensordecedores. Para que estas verdades sean reconocidas resulta necesario realizar  trabajos de investigación que se encarguen de otear el horizonte, como lo hace el presente artículo al  revisar meticulosamente las publicaciones sobre comunicación interna en cuatro de las más  importantes revistas académicas sobre comunicación en las organizaciones según el ranking SCImago: Public Relations Review, Management Communication Quarterly, International Journal of Strategic Communicationy Journal of Communication Management, en el periodo comprendido entre 2015 y 2021. Los resultados muestran una discreta presencia de artículos sobre comunicación interna en estas publicaciones, pues de 1278 artículos publicados, 126 fueron sobre CI, siendo el año más productivo  2021 con 32 artículos. La revista que más publicó sobre CI fue Public Relations Review con 38 artículos, con el empleado como protagonista, siendo el menos estudiado el profesional de la comunicación interna. Journal of Communication Management fue la única con edición especial dedicada a la CI, bajo el título Internal Communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mientras Lijuan Rita Men fue la autora más citada y también la más publicada en el periodo estudiado. Este artículo busca apoyar tanto a estudiosos como a profesionales de la comunicación interna, dejando a su alcance, además del panorama, una multitud de opciones para su conocimiento y actualización.

Idioma: Español 

Publicación: 30 de junio del 2022.

Volumen: Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas; Vol. 12 Núm. 23: Relaciones Públicas diversas Enero-Junio 2022

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Visibilidad de las mujeres en el sector de la comunicación. Análisis de las entrevistas en Dircomfidencial.

Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, Volumen 12, N° 24 (2022) https://doi.org/10.5783/revrrpp.v12i24.790

Autor: López del Castillo-Wilderbeek, Francisco Leslie; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, España; flopezdelcastillo@uoc.edu; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6664-7849

Keywords: mujer, comunicacion, brecha de género, visibilidad. 

Resumen: Tanto la bibliografía académica como los informes sectoriales coinciden en que el talento femenino ha irrumpido con fuerza en el ámbito profesional de la comunicación, llegando a ser mayoría en disciplinas concretas como las relaciones públicas. Sin embargo, de la misma forma, pervive la disyuntiva sobre que esta preeminencia en términos cuantitativos no se mantiene cuando se trata de la composición de la cúpula directiva de las organizaciones dedicadas a la comunicación. Esta investigación se ha propuesto analizar las entrevistas publicadas por el medio especializado en comunicación Dircomfidencial desde enero de 2018 hasta octubre del 2022. El análisis de contenido ha permitido confirmar que en los puestos de máxima responsabilidad la mayoría de entrevistados fueron hombres, dejando solo un 28,5% de mujeres entrevistadas. Peores resultados se obtuvieron en la categoría de responsable de área o regional, con solo un 13,3% de mujeres entrevistadas. Estos datos confirman, e incluso empeoran, los obtenidos por el informe GENDERCOM (Moreno et al., 2018) según el cual existe un techo de cristal que se traduce en una proporción de 7 a 3 entre hombres y mujeres en puestos de dirección en organizaciones de comunicación. Sin embargo, un hallazgo relevante fue que en el cargo de dirección de comunicación hubo paridad en número de entrevistas entre hombres y mujeres, confirmando indirectamente datos de la web Topcomunicación. Este fenómeno daría cuenta no solo de la posición relevante de las profesionales en la cúspide de la dirección de comunicación, sino también de la significativa visibilidad de estas. Por otra parte, el análisis automático de textos señaló diferencias entre las entrevistas a directores y directoras de comunicación. En el caso de las directoras hubo mayor presencia de conceptos relacionados con aspectos sociales, mientras que en los directores aparecieron más conceptos relacionados con la dirección estratégica.

Idioma: Español. 

Publicación: 28 de diciembre del 2022.  

Volumen: Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas, Volumen 12, N° 24 (2022)

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Strategic Communication with Multiple Audiences: Polyphony, Text Stakeholders, and Argumentation

International Journal of Strategic Communication Volume 15, 2021 - Issue 3.  https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2021.1887873

  1. Palmieri, Rudi; Department of Communication and Media, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK; palmieri@liv.ac.uk; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5122-3058  
  2. Mazzali-Lurati, Sabrina; Universitá della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland; sabrina.lurati@usi.ch. 

Abstract: In today’s complex and hyper-digital environments, organizations and social actors need to deal with multiple audiences when designing public messages. This makes strategic communication markedly polyphonic as various voices, corresponding to different stakeholders, must be managed within a single communication. This article develops a conceptual framework combining linguistic theories of discourse polyphony with a stakeholder-based model of rhetorical audiences (the Text Stakeholder Model). The proposed approach allows to reconstruct micro-level communication strategies consisting in arguments adapted to a multiple audience demand. To showcase the proposed method, the article examines, as a case study, an open letter to CEO, which represents a polyphonic genre of financial communication, as the authors formally direct their discourse to the addressed CEO while conveying arguments to other text stakeholders, who participate as unaddressed audiences. The case study identifies patterns of argumentative strategies signaled by polyphony markers such as negations, pronouns, and concessive clauses. These strategies are not necessarily based on ambiguity, suggesting that the presence of multiple audiences can accommodate a variety of discursive strategic resources. The study contributes to current research in strategic communication that focuses on the analysis and assessement of message strategy and on the micro-level dynamics of strategic communication.

Idioma: Inglés 

Publicación: 28 de julio del 2021 

Volumen: International Journal of Strategic Communication, Vol 15, 2021 - Issue 3. 

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The status quo of the visual turn in public relations practice.

Communications, Volume 46 Issue 2. https://doi.org/10.1515/commun-2019-0111

  1. Wiesenberg, Markus; Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University, Germany; markus.wiesenberg@uni-leipzig.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0765-0594
  2. Verčič, Dejan; Department of Communication, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; dejan.vercic@fdv.uni-lj.si; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9639-0749

Keywords: Comparative research; quantitative survey; strategic mediatization; visual communication management; visual public relations. 

Abstract: While most research in public relations and strategic communication concentrates on textual elements, this contribution shifts the focus to the growing importance of visual elements. The theoretical background is based on visual theory and the concept of strategic mediatization. By using a large-scale quantitative survey among 3,387 European communication professionals, this study is the first empirical evidence of communication professionals’ perspectives concerning visual communication. Therefore, the paper empirically demonstrates a visual turn in strategic communication. Although practitioners have been using visual elements since the very beginnings of their trade, only a minority guide these activities through a sound management process. This calls for a deeper consideration of visual communication management in practice and visual public relations research in academia.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 16 de octubre del 2020. 

Volumen: Communications, Volume 46 Issue 2. 

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Silence of the wealthy: How the wealthiest 0.1% avoid the media and resort to hidden strategies of advocacy

European Journal of Communication Volume 38, Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1177/02673231221105137

  1. Kantola, Anu; University of Helsinki, Finland; anu.kantola@helsinki.fi; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7868-0956
  2. Vesa, Juho; University of Helsinki, Finland; juho.vesa@helsinki.fi; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7449-6796

Keywords: Mediatisation, advocacy, wealth, elites, power, transparency.

Abstract: As the wealthiest groups have emerged as increasingly significant in societies, this article explores society's wealth elites from the vantage point of media and communication studies. Bridging the literature on policy advocacy and mediatisation, the article examines the hidden and public advocacy strategies of the wealthy. Drawing from 90 interviews with the wealthiest 0.1% in Finland, this study shows the wealthy's highly strategic stance towards the media and journalism. Most of all, they prefer to avoid the media and journalism, while actively using hidden advocacy strategies and being confident in their ability to wield political influence. As a consequence, the wealth elites may remain hidden from the public eye, making them ‘shadow elites’, whose power and scrutinisation pose a challenge to society and journalists as well. The findings support the view that paradoxically, one reaction to mediatisation – the media's heightened powers – is the deliberate avoidance of it. 

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 1 de febrero del 2023. 

Volumen: European Journal of Communication Volume 38, Issue 1. 

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La praxis del clickbait y de The Trust Project: riesgos y retos en los diarios digitales españoles

Anàlisi Quaderns de comunicació i Cultura; N° extraordinario, 2022 https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/analisi.3463

  1. Flores-Vivar, Jesus-Miguel; Universidad Complutense de Madrid; jmflores@ucm.es https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1849-5315
  2. Zaharía, Ana María; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España; anamaria.zaharia@urjc.es; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1134-0054 

Keywords: clickbait, fake news, The Trust Project, misinformation, cybermedia. 

Abstract: This paper analyses clickbait as an extra-journalistic viral technique and strategy of digital news media aiming to attract readers. It studies the effects of clickbait and identifies the stylistic techniques most frequently used in Spanish digital newspapers. Clickbait is growing exponentially in news media, in many cases to the detriment of the quality of the information provided. Thus, this study also looks at the adoption by the media of The Trust Project model, a system of trust indicators that aims to counteract the pernicious effects of fake news generated, very often, by the use of clickbait. The study analysed the ten digital newspapers in Spain with the highest readership according to the Reuters Institute (2020). A dual methodology was used: qualitative, focused on the analysis of academic and scientific works on clickbait and the transparency standards of The Trust Project against disinformation; and quantitative. Empirical research on ‘bait’ headlines found the use of clickbait in 505 out of 1321 news headlines, which suggests a high presence of clickbait content in the selected digital media. It is therefore a key tool for attracting readers, although less common in digital newspapers that have signed up to The Trust Project. The paper reveals, among other findings, that Spanish digital newspapers do not generate clicks through high quality content, but rather through the creation of suspense, exaggeration or lurid subject-matter in the information they publish. Among the paper’s conclusions is the clear need for further academic research in this field, to improve strategic digital culture in journalism and communication studies.

Resumen: Este artículo analiza el clickbait como técnica y estrategia viral extraperiodística de medios digitales que busca atraer a los lectores de noticias. Se indaga en los efectos que produce y se identifican los recursos estilísticos de esta técnica que más se utilizan en los diarios digi-tales españoles. El clickbait crece exponencialmente en los medios periodísticos, en muchos casos en detrimento de la calidad informativa, por lo que el análisis incluye la adopción, por parte de los medios, del modelo de The Trust Project, un sistema de indi-cadores de confianza que busca contrarrestar los efectos perniciosos de las noticias falsas generadas, también y muy a menudo, por el uso del clickbait. Para ello, se han selecciona-do los diez diarios digitales más leídos y consumidos en España según el estudio del Reu-ters Institute (2020). La metodología utilizada es bidimensional: cualitativa, centrada en el análisis de trabajos académicos y científicos sobre el clickbait y los estándares de trans-parencia de The Trust Projectcontra la desinformación, y cuantitativa. En su fase empíri-ca, recurriéndose al modelo de investigación sobre titulares cebo, los resultados arrojan el uso del clickbait en 505 de 1.321 titulares de noticias, lo que implica una alta presencia de contenidos clickbait en los medios digitales seleccionados, con lo que se convierte en un elemento clave para atraer al lector, pero con menor presencia en los diarios adscritos a The Trust Project. El trabajo concluye, entre otros aspectos, que los diarios digitales espa-ñoles no provocan el clic a través de contenidos de calidad, sino de la creación de suspen-se, exageración o temas escabrosos en las informaciones que publican. Entre las conclusio-nes, se destaca la necesidad de promover la investigación académica en este campo, para una mayor culturización digital estratégica en los estudios de periodismo y comunicación.

Idioma: Español. 

Publicación: Julio del 2022.

Volumen: Anàlisi núm. extraordinari, 2022.  

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Securing the Youth Vote: A Comparative Analysis of Digital Persuasion on TikTok Among Political Actors

Media and Communication, Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Political Communication in Times of Spectacularisation: Digital Narratives, Engagement, and Politainment https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v11i2.6348

  1. Zamora-Medina, Rocío; Department of Communication, University of Murcia, Spain; rzamoramedina@um.es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0541-2456 
  2. Suminas, Andrius; Faculty of Communication, Vilnius University, Lithuania; andrius.suminas@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0384-2011
  3. Fahmy, Shahira S; Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, The American University in Cairo, Egypt; shahira.fahmy@aucegypt.edu https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7720-9318 

Keywords: digital persuasion; personalization; political communication; social media; TikTok; visual framing. 

Abstract: In the context of “pop politics” and “politainment,” the irruption of TikTok has changed the landscape of social media and become the fastest-growing application among young people. Based on the peculiarities of the social platform’s affordances and the political personalization approach, we explore the differences between political parties and political leaders in terms of digital persuasion on TikTok in Spain and Poland. This work contributes to the scarce knowledge about the strategic use of TikTok for political purposes. It also attempts to fill the gap in the comparative research into the practical uses of TikTok in different political contexts. The study explores the three classical persuasion appeals—pathos, ethos, and logos—based on a visual, quantitative analysis of N = 372 videos posted on the official TikTok profiles of the main political parties and leaders from January 1st to March 31st, 2022. Differences were found in how political parties and political leaders used TikTok’s affordances as well as in the main rhetorical resource they use to persuade. We noted the use of more rational resources (logos) in the case of political parties and more emotional resources (pathos) for political leaders. Further, the rare presence of the personality in the videos of the political actors (ethos), along with their unusual privatization role, indicate that personalization on TikTok is far from being considered as part of their digital persuasion strategy. 

Idioma: Inglés.

Publicación: 16 mayo del 2023.

Volumen: Media And Communication Vol 11, No 2 (2023): Political Communication in Times of Spectacularisation: Digital Narratives, Engagement, and Politainment. 


Examining Legitimacy in Government Agencies' Crisis Communication.

International Journal of Strategic Communication Volume 17, 2023 - Issue 1. https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2022.2127358

  1. Svenbro, Maja; Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; maja.svenbro@risk.lth.se; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6713-1097
  2. Wester, Misse; Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety, Lund University, Lund, Sweden; misse.wester@risk.lth.se; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4671-758X

Abstract: Governments exercise power over the public in many ways. One clear example is during societal crises when government agencies engage in purposeful strategic communication, issue restrictions and recommendations, and rely on people's compliance to reach response objectives and meet needs in society. Here, issues of authority and legitimacy are crucial. In this study, we are interested in how this power is configured, and we analyze different dimensions of legitimacy in the strategic communication employed by government agencies during the Covid-19 pandemic. Drawing on empirical data from Q&A sessions of daily press briefings, we examine how the pragmatic, moral, and cognitive legitimacy was challenged and defended in the interactive process between government agencies and journalists. Our analysis shows how all three dimensions of legitimacy co-exist and reinforce one another. However, considerable weight can be ascribed to the pragmatic dimension in this process of legitimation, in which government agencies rely on knowledge-based descriptions (there is) combined with imperatives regarding what needs to be done (we must). This empirical contribution improves our understanding of both the legitimacy concept and how strategic communication is central to the exercise of contemporary government power, which relies on processes of legitimation. 

Idioma: Inglés 

Publicación: Published online: 26 Dec 2022 

Volumen: International Journal of Strategic Communication Vol 17, 2023 - Issue 1. 

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What Drives Perceptions of Foreign News Coverage Credibility? A Cross-National Experiment Including Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine

Political Communication Vol 40, 2023 - Issue 2. https://doi.org/10.1080/10584609.2023.2172492

  1. Kirill Bryanov; Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; kbrya21@lsu.edu; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7992-2216
  2. Reinhold Kliegl; Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; Department of Sports and Health Sciences, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany; reinhold.kliegl@uni-potsdam.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0180-8488
  3. Olessia Koltsova; Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; ekoltsova@hse.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2669-3154 
  4. Alex Miltsov; Department of Sociology, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada; amiltsov@ubishops.ca; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2561-1871
  5. Sergei Pashakhin; Institute for Political Science, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany; sergei.pashakhin@uni-bamberg.de https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0361-2064
  6. Alexander Porshnev, Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; aporshnev@hse.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0075-1061
  7. Yadviga Sinyavskaya; Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; yasinyawskaya@mail.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2385-3295
  8. Maksim Terpilovskii, Laboratory for Social and Cognitive Informatics, HSE University, Saint Petersburg, Russia; maximtrp@gmail.com; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2586-4633
  9. Victoria Vziatysheva; Independent scholar, Passau, Germany; vvzyatysheva@hse.ru; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3762-6758 

Keywords: News credibility, international news, online experiment, political communication, strategic narratives, rally-round-the-flag. 

Abstract: Research on news credibility and susceptibility to fake news has overwhelmingly focused on individual and message-level factors explaining why people view some news items as more credible than others. We argue that the consistency of the message’s content with the dominant mainstream narrative can have a powerful explanatory capacity as well, particularly in the domain of international news. We test this hypothesis experimentally using a sample of 8,559 social media users in three post-Soviet countries. Our analyses suggest that the consistency with the dominant narrative increases the perceived credibility of foreign affairs news independently of their veracity. We also demonstrate the moderating role of international conflict, government support, and news language in some national contexts but not others. Finally, we report how the effects of these factors on credibility vary according to whether the news items are real or fabricated and discuss the societal implications of our findings.

Idioma: Inglés 

Publicación: 21 Feb 2023

Volumen: Political Communication Volume 40, 2023 - Issue 2. 

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Digital Communication and Hybrid Threats. Presentation

Icono14, Vol. 19 Núm. 1 (2021): Comunicación Digital y Amenazas Híbridas. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9665-5874

  1. Arcos, Rubén; Lecturer & Researcher in Communication Sciences, Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain; ruben.arcos@urjc.es; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9665-5874 
  2. Smith, Hanna; Research and Analysis Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, The European Centre of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, Finland; hanna.smith@hybridcoe.fi. 

Keyword: amenazas híbridas, guerra híbrida, comunicación digital, desinformación, comunicación estratégica, seguridad, inteligencia.

Abstract: Hybrid Threats is a concept that has entered to many states official documents and security strategies. Both the EU and NATO have taken serious measures to counter hybrid threats related activity. This special issue on digital communication and hybrid threats aims to advance our understanding of how hybrid threat actors use and can potentially exploit the information environment for targeting our democratic societies and decision-making processes at different levels for different purposes. Information and communication technologies have brought remarkable advances in the ways we obtain information and build awareness on the world and its events and interact with the others, but at the same time these developments create opportunities for conducting information and influence operations with a hostile intent at an unprecedent scale.Political warfare, active measures, and communication-led covert actions operations are not new, and propaganda has been used throughout the history in conflict and war like situations.However today our digital communication environment and the communication tools that we employ for legitimate purposes are also being employed by hostile authoritarian actors and / or their proxies at scale that has interfered in our democratic processes like elections, erode trust in our institutions, polarize and divide our societies in an unhealthy ways and sow animosities between states and international partner countries. Since human beings make decisions based on their representations about the world and the information available through interpersonal symbolic interactions and through the different media, information can be deliberately utilized for malign activity to produce cognitive, affective and behavioral effects.

Resumen: La amenaza híbrida es un concepto que aparece en documentos oficiales y estrategias de seguridad de los estados. Tanto la UE como la OTAN han tomado medidas serias para contrarrestar la actividad relacionada con las amenazas híbridas. Este monográfico sobre comunicación digital y amenazas híbridas tiene como objetivo avanzar en la comprensión de cómo los actores de amenazas híbridas utilizan y pueden potencialmente explotar el entorno de la información para atacar las sociedades democráticas y los procesos de toma de decisiones en diferentes niveles, para diferentes propósitos. Las TIC han traído avances notables en la forma en que obtenemos información y construimos conciencia sobre el mundo y sus eventos e interactuamos con los demás, pero al mismo tiempo crean oportunidades para realizar operaciones e influenciar con una intención hostil. La guerra política, las medidas activas y las acciones encubiertas dirigidas por la comunicación no son nuevas, y la propaganda se ha utilizado a lo largo de la historia en situaciones de conflicto y guerra. Estas herramientas son empleadas por actores autoritarios hostiles y / o en una escala que ha interferido en procesos democráticos como las elecciones, erosiona la confianza en las instituciones, polariza y divide las sociedades de manera malsana. Dado que los seres humanos toman decisiones basadas en sus representaciones sobre el mundo y la información disponible a través de interacciones simbólicas interpersonales y a través de los diferentes medios, la información puede ser utilizada deliberadamente para actividades malignas que produzcan efectos cognitivos, afectivos y conductuales.

Idioma: Inglés/Español 

Publicación: 01 de Enero de 2021.

Volumen: Icono 14, Vol. 19 N° 1 (2021) Comunicación Digital y Amenazas Híbridas. 


Ambassadors of ideology: A conceptualization and computational investigation of far-right influencers, their networking structures, and communication practices

New Media & Society 1-28 2023 https://doi.org/10.1177/14614448231164409

  1. Sophia Rothut; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; sophia.rothut@ifkw.lmu.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0990-8034 
  2. Heidi Schulze; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; heidi.schulze@ifkw.lmu.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0079-9169
  3. Rieger, Diana; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; diana.rieger@ifkw.lmu.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2417-0480
  4. Hohner, Julian; Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany; julian.hohner@@ifkw.lmu.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5872-0954

Abstract: Increasingly, influencers are employed to market not only products but also ideas and beliefs. The far right has recognized the strategic potential of influencer communication to tap into new target groups and mobilize supporters. This paper provides insights into the little-explored field of far-right influencers. We conceptualize them as individual actors characterized by far-right ideology, positioned as political influencers, actively advocating for their ideological aims. Employing a multi-layered computational approach to explore communication practices and networking structures of 243 German-speaking far-right influencers on Telegram, we derive a typology and observe the emergence of a functionally differentiated influencer collective. In this collective, each community has specific functions and characteristics that emphasize different ideological aspects, mobilization modes, and influencer practices. Despite the decentralized organization, we find high efficiency in information dissemination. The results corroborate the assumed potential of far-right influencers as disseminators of ideological content who can be particularly persuasive through their role as parasocial opinion leaders.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 31 de mayo del 2023. 

Volumen: New Media & Society 2023.

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Towards a rhetorical understanding of statistics in politics: Quantifying the National Health Service 'Winter Crisis'

European Journal of Communication 2021, Vol. 36 Issue 2https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323120966842 

  1. Lawson, Brendan; School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds, Clothworkers North Building, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK; hy10bl@leeds.ac.uk;  https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3228-6245
  2. Lovatt, Matthew; School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds. 

Keywords: Crisis, NHS, politics, rhetoric, statistics. 

Abstract: Statistics are a central part of political communication, yet little is known about how they are used rhetorically by politicians. This article therefore develops a rhetorical understanding of statistics in political debate and explores how they function primarily as strategies of argumentation. Through an analysis of how British politicians use numbers in debates on the National Health Service ‘winter crisis’, it is argued that four tropes underpin the use of statistics as a rhetorical device. The trope of dehistoricisation is said to engender consensus over the facticity of statistical arguments, while the tropes of synecdoche, enthymeme and framing are said to enable contestation over their presentation and meaning. The article concludes that a rhetorical understanding of statistics is vital to elucidating the selective, contestable and strategic ways in which numbers function in political debate, thereby challenging the notion that quantification can be an objective or value-free means of establishing political claims.

Idioma: Inglés.  

Publicación: 19 de noviembre 2020.  

Volumen: European Journal of Communication 2021, Vol. 36 Issue 2. 

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Ethical engagement, Responsibility and Strategic communication in the Digital Era: practitioners' approaches


ICONO 14 Vol. 19 Núm. 1 (2021): Comunicación Digital y Amenazas Híbridas. https://doi.org/10.7195/ri14.v19i1.1621

  1. Teodor Mihaela; Senior Researcher PhD (National Institute for Intelligence Studies, MVNIA), Romania; http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1421-8612
  2. Irena Chiru; Dean (Intelligence Studies Faculty, MVNIA), Romania; chiru.irena@animv.eu; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4202-4209 
  3. Cristina Ivan; Head (National Institute for Intelligence Studies, MVNIA), Romania; ivan.cristina@animv.eu; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2624-5009
  4. Ileana Surdu; Researcher PhD (National Centre for Modelling and Simulation in Intelligence, MVNIA), Romania; surdu.ileana@animv.eu; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7994-7800

Keywords: Compromiso ético, responsabilidad, comunicación responsable, comunicación estratégica, profesionales de la comunicación.

Resumen: Los canales de comunicación digital pueden estar sujetos a explotación, lo que resulta en daños a las personas o sociedades promoviendo noticias falsas, desinformación, radicalización o polarización social. Es importante que los comunicadores estén bien preparados para identificar, prevenir y responder a tales acciones, comprender las vulnerabilidades de su audiencia y respetar los derechos y libertades de la población. Por lo tanto, la comunicación ética y estratégica debe ser la máxima prioridad para los comunicadores de instituciones, la academia, los periodistas o las partes interesadas al abordar temas delicados o de seguridad. 

Idioma: Inglés.  

Publicación: 1 de enero del 2021. 

Volumen: ICONO 14 Vol. 19 Núm. 1 (2021): Comunicación Digital y Amenazas Híbridas.  

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Functions of Hybrid Media: How Parties and Their Leaders Use Traditional Media in Their Social Media Campaign Communication

Frontiers in communication. Volumen 6, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2021.817285

  1. Paatelainen, Laura; Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland; laura.paatelainen@tuni.fi; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2168-9161
  2. Kannasto, Elisa; Department of Business and Culture, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Seinäjoki, Finland; elisa.kannasto@seamk; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1758-982X
  3. Isotalus, Pekka; Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland; pekka.isotalus@tuni.fi; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3782-1286   

Keywords: Social media, political actors, political campaigns, hybrid media campaign communication. 

Abstract: Political campaign communication has become increasingly hybrid and the ability to create synergies between older and newer media is now a prerequisite for running a successful campaign. Nevertheless, beyond establishing that parties and individual politicians use social media to gain visibility in traditional media, not much is known about how political actors use the hybrid media system in their campaign communication. At the same time, the personalization of politics, shown to have increased in the media coverage of politics, has gained little attention in the context of today’s hybrid media environment. In this research we analyze one aspect of hybrid media campaign communication, political actors’ use of traditional media in their social media campaign communication. Through a quantitative content analysis of the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts of Finnish parties and their leaders published during the 2019 Finnish parliamentary elections, we find that much of this hybridized campaign communication was personalized. In addition, we show that parties and their leaders used traditional media for multiple purposes, the most common of which was gaining positive visibility, pointing to strategic considerations. The results have implications for both the scholarship on hybrid media systems and personalization of politics.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 10 de enero del 2022.

Volumen: Frontiers in communication. Volumen 6, 2021. 

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Globalization and power: The consolidation of international communication as a discipline. Review article

El profesional de la información, v. 29, n. 1, https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.ene.11 

Autor: Juan-Luis Manfredi-Sánchez; University of Castilla-La ManchaFaculty of Communication, Spain; juan.manfredi@uclm.es; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9129-2907 

Keywords: International communication, power, hard power, soft power, sharp power, strategic narratives, public diplomacy, propaganda, leadership, social movements, activism, mediated diplomacy, CNN effect, review article.

Abstract: A tour of the theoretical development and the main research lines of international communication is presented. To do this, the appearance of communication in the configuration of power in four aspects (hard, soft, sharp and strategic narrative) is analyzed. The critical perspective and the Anglo-Saxon mastery on the subject are examined, with evidence from France, Germany, or Latin America. Five axes of future research are anticipated, such as the strengthening of the theoretical and methodological bases with interdisciplinary methods; the nature and characteristics of the international journalists (correspondents versus false news); the management of populist communication in the face of a political globalization with leaders that hinder the conventional journalistic ethos; the analysis of the structures; and global information systems in a multipolar scenario and less "CNN effect" than expected, and the constant innovation dynamics of propaganda.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 06 de febrero del 2020. 

Volumen: Vol. 29 Núm. 1 (2020): Multidisciplinar.

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Being a 'strategist': Communication practitioners, strategic work, and power effects of the strategy discourse (64)

Autor: Rickard Andersson

Keywords: discurso estratégico, profesionales de la comunicación, relaciones públicas 

Abstract: This article analyzes communication practitioners’ accounts to interpret what power effects the strategy discourse has on their ‘way of seeing’ themselves and their work. Through an analysis of 26 interviews with communication practitioners, the findings show that strategy, understood as a discursive body of knowledge, has empowered practitioners by enabling them to produce an understanding of themselves as worthy ‘strategists’ possessing unique expertise and competencies essential to their organization, and empowered them to claim intra-organizational power and power over others. The article empirically shows how practitioners engage with the strategy discourse to construct accounts of themselves and their work, and makes a theoretical contribution by exemplifying the problematizing potential of the strategy as discourse perspective by discussing the power effects strategy has on the profession and practice. Thus, the article complements classical and emergent perspectives on strategy in public relations and strategic communication by offering an approach more attentive toward the constitutive effects of strategy on the practice of public relations and strategic communication.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 24 de mayo del 2020.

Volumen: Volume 9, Issue 3.

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Artificial intelligence in communication management: a cross-national study on adoption and knowledge, impact, challenges and risks

Journal of Communication Management, Volume 24 Issue 4 https://doi.org/10.1108/jcom-10-2019-0137

  1. Zerfass, Ansgar; Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany & Department of Communication and Culture, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway; zerfass@uni-leipzig.de; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5539-4663
  2. Hagelstein, Jens; Institute of Communication and Media Studies, Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany; jens.hagelstein@univie.ac.at; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6057-6699
  3. Tench, Ralph; Leeds Business School, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK; r.tench@leedsmet.ac.uk; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7760-2606

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, AI, technology, communication management, strategic communication, public relations, marketing, corporate communications.

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) might change the communications profession immensely, but the academic discourse is lacking an investigation of the perspective of practitioners on this. The article addresses this research gap. It offers a literature overview and reports about an empirical study on AI in communications, presenting first insights on how professionals in the field assess the technology.

Idioma: Inglés.

Publicación: 11 de mayo del 2020. 

Volumen: Journal of Communication Management, Volume 24 Issue 4.

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Building organizational resilience through strategic internal communication and organization-employee relationships

Journal of Applied Communication Research, Vol. 49, No. 5 (2021) https://doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2021.1910856

Autor: Young Kim; Department of Strategic Communication, J. William and Mary Diederich College of Communication, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA; young.kim@marquette.edu;  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9708-6714  

Keywords: Internal crisis communication, two-way symmetrical communication, organization–employee relationships, organizational resilience. 

Abstract: This study explores the impacts of internal strategic communication and relationship management with employees for organizational resilience in effective internal crisis communication, thereby filling a gap in crisis communication research. Specifically, it provides empirical evidence for how organizational resilience in a crisis can be achieved through strategic internal communication and relationship building with employees. A nationwide survey (N = 830) was conducted among full-time employees in the United States. The results revealed the important mediating role of organization–employee relationships (OER) between resilience and its antecedent, demonstrating that OER is a strong underlying factor in understanding how two-way symmetrical communication indirectly impacts organizational resilience. Thus, this study extends the scope of current crisis communication theories to emphasize managerial efforts directed at organizational resilience. Practical insights for developing organizational resilience include managers investing in two-way symmetrical communication and positive employee relationships before a crisis occurs.

Idioma: Inglés 

Publicación: 07 de febrero del 2020 

Volumen: Journal of Applied Communication Research, Volume 49, 2021 - Issue 5.

Spreading (Dis)Trust: Covid-19 Misinformation and Government Intervention in Italy

Media and Communication Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Health and Science Controversies in the Digital World: News, Mis/Disinformation and Public Engagement. https://doi.org/10.17645/mac.v8i2.3219

Autor: Lovari, Alessandro; Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy; alessandro.lovari@unica.it; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5877-467X

Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, emergency, health communication, Italy; misinformation, public communication, social media

Abstract: The commentary focuses on the spread of Covid-19 misinformation in Italy, highlighting the dynamics that have impacted on its pandemic communication. Italy has recently been affected by a progressive erosion of trust in public institutions and a general state of information crisis regarding matters of health and science. In this context, the politicization of health issues and a growing use of social media to confront the Coronavirus "infodemic" have led the Italian Ministry of Health to play a strategic role in using its official Facebook page to mitigate the spread of misinformation and to offer updates to online publics. Despite this prompt intervention, which increased the visibility and reliability of public health communication, coordinated efforts involving different institutions, media and digital platform companies still seem necessary to reduce the impact of misinformation, as using a multichannel strategy helps avoid increasing social and technological disparities at a time of crisis.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 25 de junio del 2020. 

Volumen: Media and Communication Vol 8, No 2 (2020): Health and Science Controversies in the Digital World: News, Mis/Disinformation and Public Engagement.

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Periodismo, política y ciudadanía: claves para una nueva relación desde España

Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Nuevos Medios, automatización y actores periféricos en el Periodismo, Núm. 80 (2022) https://www.doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2022-1547|

  1. García-Orosa, Berta; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, España; berta.garcia@usc.es; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6126-7401
  2. Vázquez-Herrero, Jorge; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela; España; jorge.vazquez@usc.es; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9081-3018 
  3. López-García, Xosé; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. España; xose.lopez.garcia@usc.es;  https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1873-8260
Keywords: medios de información, periodismo, política, ciudadanos, España, encuesta, democracia.

Resumen: La innovación modificó no solo las rutinas y los perfiles profesionales, sino que cuestionó la legitimidad pública y el carácter institucional del periodismo como actor político con la aparición de nuevos actores, como las plataformas digitales y sus algoritmos, y la reconfiguración del espacio comunicativo. Este artículo pretende fijar las bases de la relación entre el periodismo y la política en la actualidad y las tendencias de futuro. Metodología: La investigación se ha desarrollado a través de un estudio realizado entre febrero de 2020 y febrero de 2021 en España basado en la triangulación metodológica que incluye, además de la revisión bibliográfica, una encuesta a periodistas, una encuesta a ciudadanos y un panel de expertos con investigadores del área de periodismo. Discusión: Los resultados confirman a los periodistas como filtro entre la sociedad y la política, aunque la ciudadanía se muestra crítica. Conclusiones: Se revelan tendencias peligrosas para la democracia: la elección de los temas de la agenda mediática en los partidos políticos, la escasa participación de la audiencia, el ocultamiento de la importancia de los algoritmos y las plataformas digitales, y la alta automatización de la información para influir en la opinión pública y generar desinformación. 

Publicación: 27 de abril del 2022.

Idioma: Español. 

Volumen: Revista Latina de Comunicación Social Núm. 80 (2022)

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