La innovación de las radiotelevisiones públicas europeas en la comunicación digital y las comunidades de usuarios

CUADERNOS.INFO Nº 45 ISSN 0719-3661 Versión

  1. López-Golán, Mónica; Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ibarra, Ecuador;;
  2. Rodríguez-Castro, Marta; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, España;  
  3. Campos-Freire, Francisco; Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, España;  

Keywords: radiotelevisiones públicas europeas, innovación, interacción social, comunidades de usuarios, plataformas digitales. 

Abstract: This research analyzes the innovation and social interaction strategies of European public  service  media  (PSM)  in  response to  the  transformation  and  adaptation challenges  entailed  by  the  new  digital communication  ecology.  The  research methodology was based in the study of the corporations’ annual reports, a mapping of the structure of their Internet platforms and a selective observation of the websites and the users communities of the PSM of the five European countries with greater population (Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Italy). The results show that both participation and the management of such communities is still incipient, not very proactive and quite conditioned by the requirements of their parent public service organizations. 

Resumen: Esta investigación analiza las estrategias de innovación e interacción social de las radiotelevisiones públicas europeas como respuesta a los retos de transformación y adaptación a la nueva ecología de la comunicación digital. Metodológicamente, se realiza una exploración de las memorias de las corporaciones, un mapeo de la estructura de sus plataformas en Internet y una observación selectiva de la gestión de las webs y sus comunidades de usuarios de los entes públicos de los cinco países europeos con mayor población (Alemania, Reino Unido, Francia, España e Italia). Los resultados muestran que la participación y gestión de estas comunidades es todavía incipiente, poco proactiva y bastante condicionada por las exigencias de sus organizaciones públicas matrices. 

Idioma: Español. 

Publicación: 19 de marzo de 2019. 

Volumen: Núm. 45 (2019): Temas Generales: Adiós al papel: en 2020 será una revista exclusivamente digital.

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Oportunidades para la cocreación de contenidos en los diarios nativos digitales


Profesional de la información, Vol. 29 Núm. 4 (2020): Investigación en Información y Comunicación.

  1. Sixto-García, José; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación;;  
  2. López-García, Xosé; Universidad de Santiago de CompostelaFacultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación;;
  3. Toural-Bran; Carlos; Universidad de Santiago de CompostelaFacultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación;;

Keywords: Diarios nativos digitales, Periodismo digital, Prensa digital, Cocreación, Valor, Participación, User generated content, Prosumers, Adprosumers, Empoderamiento ciudadano, Audiencias, Arquitectura web, Accesibilidad. 

Abstract: La participación de los usuarios en la creación de productos informativos aumenta el valor de los medios de comunicación e incrementa la satisfacción de los cocreadores. La involucración de los lectores afecta en especial a los procesos productivos, aunque sin desmerecer la implicación en el desarrollo y en el marketing, e implica democratización de la información, experiencias personalizadas y puntos de vista diversos que favorecen el pluralismo informativo. En esta investigación se analiza una muestra internacional compuesta por cinco diarios nativos digitales para comprobar en qué medida permiten a sus públicos cocrear contenidos. Se utiliza una metodologí¬a exploratoria para comprobar la existencia de espacios concebidos para la cocreación. Se confeccionan unas escalas de evaluación del grado de utilidad de la idoneidad de esos sitios y se examina su accesibilidad desde la perspectiva del empoderamiento ciudadano, la apertura de contenidos y la arquitectura web. Los resultados demuestran que los grados de implantación alcanzados por los diarios son más bajos de lo que pudiera esperarse de medios puramente digitales y alertan sobre la necesidad de idear nuevas fórmulas de cocreación e implicar más a las audiencias en la generación de contenidos, al tiempo que se hace necesario revisar con profundidad cuál es su papel como fuentes. Las limitaciones al empoderamiento ciudadano derivadas de la ausencia de publicidad en los modelos de negocio restringen los accesos en abierto y las jerarquí¬as web obstaculizan las colaboraciones. Se diagnostica, asimismo, la necesidad de que los ciudadanos puedan identificar con claridad qué productos han sido elaborados por periodistas y cuáles por cocreadores.

Idioma: Español.  

Publicación: 03 de agosto del 2020.

Volumen: Profesional de la Información, Vol. 29 Núm. 4 (2020): Investigación en Información y Comunicación. 

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Disinformation, social media, bots, and astroturfing: the fourth wave of digital democracy


Profesional de la Información, Vol. 30 Núm. 6 (2021): Democracia

Autor: García- Orosa, Berta; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, España;;

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Astroturfing, Automation, Bots, Covid-19, Big data, Democracy, Algorithms, Disinformation, Election campaigns, Political communication, Hoaxes, Fake news.

Abstract: This article reflects on the conceptualization and the salient features of the ecology of e-democracy. The authors identify four distinct waves marked by technological innovations and studied under the control-participation dichotomy. In the first wave, during the 1990s, political actors begin to establish their online presence but without any other notable changes in communication. The second wave takes place from 2004 to 2008 and features the consolidation of social networks and the increasing commodification of audience engagement. The third wave begins to take shape during Obama´s 2008 election campaign, which featured micro-segmentation and the use of big data. The fourth wave, starting in 2016 with the Brexit campaign and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, has been defined by the front and center use of Artificial Intelligence. Some recent phenomena that challenge or buttress the make-up of critical public opinion are the following: a) digital platforms as political actors; b) the marked use of Artificial Intelligence and big data; c) the use of falsehoods as a political strategy, as well as other fake news and deep fake phenomena; d) the combination of hyperlocal and supranational issues; e) technological determinism; f) the search for audience engagement and co-production processes; and g) trends that threaten democracy, to wit, the polarization of opinions, astroturfing, echo chambers and bubble filters. Finally, the authors identify several challenges in research, pedagogy and politics that could strengthen democratic values, and conclude that democracy needs to be reimagined both under new research and political action frameworks, as well as through the creation of a social imaginary on democracy.

Idioma: Original Inglés (documento disponible para descarga en español)

Publicación: 28 de octubre del 2021. 

Volumen: Profesional de la Información, Vol. 30 Núm. 6 (2021): Democracia.

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Impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en el Periodismo: transformaciones en la empresa, los productos, los contenidos y el perfil profesional.

Communication & Society, 2021, Vol.34 (1), p.177-193.  

  1. Túñez-López, José-Miguel; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, España;;
  2. Fieiras-Ceide, César; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela;;
  3. Vaz-Álvarez, Martín; Universidad de Santiago de Compostela;;

Keywords: Automation, journalism, artificial intelligence, professional profile, public Media, fake news. 

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most promising innovation frameworks with the potential to transform our relationship with technology. Particularly in journalism, AI is beginning to make its way transversally into the news production process and into the structure and functioning of the media. This article aims to anticipate how AI will impact on the Spanish media ecosystem and explain the medium-term transformations that are already being felt. The research approach is of an exploratory and descriptive nature, with a qualitative methodology based on Delphi-like in-depth interviews, encompassing an intentional sample of academic representatives, relevant associations and leading companies in the field of technology and communication. The results point out that AI will allow the extension of the current automated text news to audio and video on demand, it will favour that news can have a non-linear unstructured consumption, it will promote changes in the business model through new ways of relating with the audience and distribution of the product. Also, variations in the professional profile with a less operative journalist who will avoid routines –even of personal nature– that can be imitated by the machine and increase its cognitive contribution to the news production.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 12 de enero 2021.

Volumen: Communication & Society, Vol 34 No 1.  

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Journalism in Digital Native Media: Beyond Technological Determinism

  1. García-Orosa, Berta; Communication Sciences, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Communication Sciences, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;;
  2. López-García, Xosé; Communication Sciences, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela,  Santiago de Compostela, Spain;;
  3. Vázquez-Herrero, Jorge; Communication Sciences, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain;;

Keywords: digital journalism, digital native media, innovation, journalism, social media. 

Abstract: This article reflects on the conceptualisation and practise of journalism in European digital native media. The way news is produced and consumed in the digital era knocks down the boundaries that once divided professionals, citizens, and activists. At the same time, significant changes highlighted in recent studies call for a new theoretical and practical approach that goes beyond the dominant perspective of technological determinism. In relation with previous research, we have selected innovative digital media platforms (De Correspondent,,, IlPost, Mediapart, and Observador), and we have analysed the types of journalism they set out to produce, as gleaned from their public-facing communications and interviews with the platforms’ founders and editors, comparing their stated goals with the journalism they produce and, lastly, we commented on changes in journalism. Digital native media explore renewed fields for journalism. The present analysis allows identifying the emergence of a series of trends in digital native media, which show a coexistence of traditional and new principles. Beyond the technological impact, the new media respond to the needs of society by incorporating the citizen as a reason for its purpose and as a collaborator in production processes. On the other hand, new players and an updated role of journalists come into play with innovative proposals designed for the current multiplatform and mobile scenario.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 16 de abril del 2020. 

Volumen: Media and Communication, 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 5–15. 

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The Innovation Function of Hybridization in Public Relations

Media and Communication: Complexity, Hybridity, Liminality: Challenges of Researching Contemporary Promotional Cultures, Vol 9, No 3 (2021).

Autor: Olaf Hoffjann; Department of Communication Studies, University of Bamberg, Germany; olaf.hoffjann@uni‐; 

Keywords: advertising, entertainment, hybridization, public relations, public sphere, strategic communication, systems theory. 

Abstract: From content marketing and corporate publishing to storytelling and brand PR—the literature contains many examples of hybrid structures in strategic communication in general and more specifically in public relations (PR). The question that arises is which problem these hybrid structures solve. This article focuses on a systems theoretical basis on the func‐tion of these hybrid structures. Hybridization is understood as a process by which a social system adopts program struc‐tures of another system. Hybridization as a strategy assumes an innovation function in systems and facilitates learning. Hybridizations can be observed in PR on two logical levels: Firstly, PR is itself the result of a hybridization process. This is an example of how differentiated systems can originate from hybrid structures. Secondly, like every form of strategic communication, PR suffers from a lack of trustworthiness, attention and relevance of its communication objects. In order to be able to continue to influence decisions in the interest of those described positively, PR unscrupulously adopts structures of journalism, advertising and entertainment.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 5 de agosto del 2021.  

Volumen: Media and Communication, 2021, Volume 9, Issue 3, Pages 155–163. 

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Towards Communication in Achieving Sustainable Economic Development Goals: The Role of Communication in UAE Media Institutions

Sustainability 2023, 15(10) ;

  1. Faycal Farhi; College of Communication and Media, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi 64141, United Arab Emirates;;
  2. Riadh Jeljeli; College of Communication and Media, Al Ain University, Abu Dhabi 64141, United Arab Emirates;;
  3. Radouane Slamene; Faculty of Communication and Media, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia;
  4. Merhan Mohsen; Mass Communication and Public Relations Department, Gulf University, Sanad 26489, Bahrain;
  5. Khaled Zamoum; College of Communication, University of Sharjah, Sharjah 26666, United Arab Emirates. 

Keywords: sustainable development, economic sustainability, dialogue theory, United Arab Emirates, communication 

Abstract: Communication is vital in achieving the economic sustainability of media institutions. They adopt strategies that help organizations to communicate effectively, foster partnerships, and promote the adoption of innovations. This study examined the role of communication in developing the media institutions in the United Arab Emirates to acquire economic sustainability goals. The researchers applied the case study method and selected 500 respondents from the UAE Business-to-Business Communication Database. Research revealed that communication positively affects Emirati media institutions. Public relations and communication practices help these organizations to achieve economic sustainability. It was found that public relations and communication affect these organizations to foster partnerships in terms of ensuring transparent operations and trust building. However, the effect of public relations and communication on promoting innovation remained insignificant, as a slight agreement was shown regarding the relevant phenomenon. It was concluded that economic sustainability holds great significance in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework, and communication ensures they are achieved in the best possible manner. As a result, Emirates-based corporate sector organizations acknowledge the significance of public relations and communication and integrate these strategies into their comprehensive business plans to attain sustainable economic growth and development. 

Idioma: Inglés.  

Publicación: 12 de mayo del 2023.  

Volumen: Sustainability 2023, Vol 15, issue 10.  

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A Theoretical Analysis of Managerial Growth in the Context of Organizational Change

Sustainability Vol 14 issue 8

  1. Kolbergytė, Aušra; Lifelong Learning Laboratory, Mykolas Romeris University, 08303 Vilnius, Lithuania;;
  2. Dromantaitė, Aistė; Management and Politic Science Institute, Mykolas Romeris University, 08303 Vilnius, Lithuania;

Keywords: managerial growth; professional development; change management; learning organizations; leadership efficacy; sustainable workplaces. 

Abstract: In analyzing the theoretical literature on managerial growth in the context of organizational change, an absence of research has been observed, especially that which comprehensively analyzes growth prospects and opportunities at the micro (individual), meso (group), and macro (organizational) levels, which considers organizational, social, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Therefore, one of the outstanding problems of this research was to select the relevant scientific literature to synthesize the theory and create a conceptual theoretical model based on it. The aim of this paper is to explore the context and preconditions for managerial growth during an organizational change at different levels and aspects of organizations. Therefore, six theoretical approaches from the fields of management, psychology, and education were chosen (Hiatt, Kotter, Kübler-Ross, Goleman, Mezirow, and Marcia). Conclusions provide insights into the context, aims, and directions of managerial growth within organizational change. First, the context of organizational change is understood as an educational environment that creates incentives for managerial growth at the macro, meso, and micro levels and encompasses the development of personal and professional skills and the conscious evolution of inner perceptions related to work. Second, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is targeted toward three objectives at the organizational, group, and individual levels: productivity, connection, and self-realization. Third, managerial growth in the context of organizational change is directed toward three dimensions: (1) the strategic-operational dimension overlaps with the development of leadership skills to ensure successful change implementation in the organization; (2) the social-emotional dimension overlaps with the development of psychosocial skills, enabling coping with challenges through relationships and an emotionally supportive workplace environment; and (3) the perceptual-spiritual dimension overlaps with the development of personal maturity and professional motivation, disclosing authentic performance during organizational change. These findings become a framework for further research but also provide practical guidelines for managers, HR specialists, and organizational leaders.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 11 de abril del 2022. 

Volumen: Sustainability Vol 14 issue 8.  

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The Hard Skills Bases in Digital Academic Entrepreneurship in Relation to Digital Transformation

Soc. Sci. 2022, 11(5), 192;

  1. Braga-Garcez, Ana Paula; Department of Management and Economics, Beira Interior University, 6200-209 Covilhã, Portugal;;
  2. Moreira da Silva, Ricardo; Department of Production and Mechanics Engineering, Federal University of Paraíba, Paraíba 58051-900, Brazil;
  3. Franco, Mário; Department of Management and Economics, Beira Interior University, 6200-209 Covilhã, Portugal;;

Keyword: hard skills; education; digital academic entrepreneurship; digital transformation; entrepreneurship education. 

Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) has changed the means and mechanisms for acquiring knowledge, meaning that higher education institutions (HEI) have changed the form of student-lecturer and teaching-learning interaction. Digital transformation must have a relevant role in building the hard skills (HS) necessary for academic entrepreneurship, where HS are easily taught and measured. This study analyses the basis of HS for digital academic entrepreneurship, answering the following research hypothesis: What are the hard skills—entrepreneurial education—for digital academic entrepreneurship and how are they formed? An extensive, inclusive literature review revealed that, due to the possibility of editing, reprogramming and generating digital technology, the basis of DT can support the development of HS in higher education students. The results show that HS can be developed considering three major pillars: (i) Management Tools, (ii) Digital Process, and (iii) Digital Products. Since HS are easily taught, this study shows how the use of digital technology can transform this scalable teaching process in order to reach the maximum number of students. It is therefore suggested that those in charge of HEIs use the pillars presented here in the framework proposed to guide their institutions’ strategic planning. With these pillars in mind, the aim is to stimulate the development of innovative business proposals developed in the academic environment and promote digital academic entrepreneurship.

Idioma: Inglés. 

Publicación: 26 de abril de 2022. 

Volumen: Soc. Sci. 2022, Vol 11 (N°5), 192;

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